Sanctioned by
Players from
1st ASEAN Seniors PGA Tour @ Senibong GC 2023
Fri 30 June - morning Pro-Am
1 day 18 hole Pro-Am tournament
Min guaranteed RM 25k prize purse
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Asian Seniors Tour @ Senibong GC 2023
Fri 30 June - morning Pro-Am
1 day 18 hole Pro-Am tournament
Min guaranteed RM 25k prize purse
15th Asian Senior Masters @ Malaysia (Johor) 2023
AST Members - 3 night / 4 day / 4 rounds - Play & Stay package includes;
- US$ 200 tournament entry fee - 1 goodie bag
- 4 rounds of golf - green, buggy & caddy fees & on course refreshments
- Pro-Am / practice round on Sun 25 Jun - lunch & dinner are included
- 4 X lunch @ golf club on Sun 29 through Wed 28 Jun
- 3 nights at Official Hotel - includes daily breakfast
Asian Seniors Tour @ Senibong GC 2023
Fri 30 June - morning Pro-Am
1 day 18 hole Pro-Am tournament
Min guaranteed RM 25k prize purse

Single Occupancy = US$ 750 nett
US$ 1,000 - less US$ 250 last place prize money = US$ 750
Twin Sharing = US$ 650 net per golfer
US$ 900 per golfer - less US$ 250 last place prize money = US$ 650 per golfer
Twin Sharing with spouse / non-golfer = US$ 900 nett
US$ 1,150 - less US$ 250 last place prize money = US$ 900
- non-golfer entitled to same F&B & other benefits as golfer
AST members & Host Country Exemptions (HCE) = US$ 550
Only AST members and members of the PGA of Malaysia, Malaysian Nationals and or legal residents are eligible - the package excludes accommodation & transportation
US$ 800 per golfer - less US$ 250 last place money = US$ 550 @ RM 2,470
Non-Member’s of the AST will be charged an extra US$ 200 surcharge on top of selected members play & stay package
- exceptions to this include the following and pros who qualify for HCE status
- past Champions - no surcharge
- lapsed members of the AST +US$ 50 surcharge
- professionals who have previously played in an ASM + US$ 100
- Super Seniors who are 60 years of aged or older + US$ 150
- Steadfast Septuagenarians who are 70 years of aged or older + US$ 100
- Outstanding Octogenarians who are 80 years of aged or older - no surcharge
Prize Money Break Down - pay out of US$ 20k purse
1st - $ 2,750
2nd - $ 2,000
3rd - $ 1,700
4th - $ 1,400
5th - $ 1,200
6th - $ 1,000
7th - $ 900
8th - $ 800
9th - $ 700
10th - $ 600
11th - $ 500
12th - $ 400
13th - onwards US$ 250
- last place guaranteed prize money deduction is applies to all pros at registration
- this is deducted from the cost of your - all inclusive play & stay entry fee package
- if you place 12th or better, last place prize money will be deducted from funds won
- no additional deductions or with-holding taxes are imposed at AST events
- figures based on a min field of 28 professional golfers
AST Qualifying School @ Johor 2023 - US$ 750
Thu 22 to Sat 24 Jun
- 3 rounds of golf - green, buggy & caddy fees
- dinner of Thu 22 Jun and Q school goodie bag
- 3 X lunch @ golf club on 22, 23 & 24 Jun
- on course refreshments
- 3 nights accommodation & transport add US$ 240
PRO Qualifier @ 15th ASM Malaysia (Johor) 2023 - US$ 1,050
Sun 25 to Wed 28 Jun
- 4 rounds of golf - green, buggy & caddy fees
- dinner of Sun 25 Jun and goodie bag
- Pro-Am / practice round on Sat 29 Apr
- 4 X lunch @ golf club on Sun 25 through Wed 28 Jun
- on course refreshments
- 4 nights accommodation & transport add US$ 300
Accompanying Amateur Golfers
No Hotel Accommodation or Transportation
- 4 day package - Pro-Am / practice round and 3 day tournament - US$ 700
- 3 day package - Pro-Am and 1st & 2nd Day of ASM tournament - US$ 550
- 2 day package - Pro-Am and 1st Day of ASM tournament - US$ 400
- 1 day package - Pro-Am - US$ 250
Social Golf / rounds of golf at Forest City and Els Desaru
- can be arranged / substituted - subject to availability - surcharge will apply
Hotel Accommodation - from US$ 60 per night and upwards
- depending upon selected hotel & subject to availability
3 person Corporate Pro-Am Package - US$ 1,200 - Sun 25 Jun
No Hotel Accommodation or Transportation
- 3 rounds of golf in the Pro-Am with an AST professional
- Pro-Am guests receive a goodie bag
- lunch & prize giving dinner & on course refreshments
- golf includes - green, buggy & caddy fees
- 1 unit - 3m X 1m T Box sign - displayed for duration of the ASM event
- logo on stage backdrop and in tournament page in website and program
- 1 golfer to play on 1st day of the ASM PRO event - lunch is included
3 person Corporate 2 Day Package - US$ 2,750 - Sun 25 & Mon 26 Jun
No Hotel Accommodation or Transportation
- 3 rounds of golf in the Pro-Am with an AST professional
- Pro-Am guests receive a goodie bag
- lunch & prize giving dinner & on course refreshments
- golf includes - green, buggy & caddy fees
- 1 unit - 3m X 1m T Box sign - displayed for duration of the ASM event
- logo on stage backdrop and in tournament page in website and program
- 3 golfers to play on 1st day of the ASM PRO event - lunch is included
Closing Date for 15th ASM @ Malaysia (Johor) 2023
entries close on Fri 9 June 2023 at 17.000hrs (Singapore Time) there after a US$ 100 surcharge will apply to all entries received that might be accepted by the AST
For more information please contact ;
Ms Evelyn Lee - GM - Asian Senior Tour
Mobile (+65) 96399020 - whatsapp
Chuan Campbell - Chairman of the Asian Senior Tour
Mobile (+65) 96346497
- whatsapp
Thank you for contacting the AST
We will get back to you as soon.
Failing which please whatsapp Ms Evelyn Lee at +65 96399020